Wednesday 26 July 2017

Forex Klubas

Mokymus ves ekonometristas Gedas Kuinskas Komentarai Aneena 2015 12 02, 10:50 Forex-Handel ist genau wie jedes andere fianacinl Investment-Tool. Nehmen Sie Geld und einige smarts und Geduld. Obwohl sie eine Menge von Vergünstigungen mit Devisenhandel wie 24-Stunden-Handel, größter liquider Markt und sehr hohe Volatilität sind, sollte man immer noch erziehen, wie Sie es auf jede Art von Investitionen. Es sei denn, Sie nur nicht über Ihr Geld kümmern. Erstens würde ich empfehlen, Lernen auf einige technische Analyse. Suchen Sie einfach diese Phrase mit Forex vor und Sie finden Millionen von Ressourcen. Dann erziehen Sie sich auf grundlegenden Einfluss auf die Währungen. Jeder findet dort eigenen Kniff beim Handel der Forex-Markt so dont blind fallen in eine so genannte Forex Gurus Marketing-Falle. fbgkvqkd urliausahiifriausahiifr / url linkkxfvuiyxlwkxfvuiyxlw / link Dian 2015 11 30, 23.20 Wenn youre ein Potential ientsnmevt Spieler whod es in der Wirtschafts - und Finanzwelt groß zu machen möchten, dann gehen Sie für Devisenhandel. Die FOREX, auch bekannt als der Devisenmarkt ist einer der größten Finanzmärkte der Welt mit und Schätzung von 1,5 Billionen Turn-Overs jeden Tag. Hier sind ein paar Strategien, wie man es groß in der Forex-Markt. Strategie One: Kennen Sie Ihren Markt. Der beste Weg, um Vorteile zu erzielen, Gewinn zu erzielen und Verluste zu minimieren ist, sich mit dem Markt vertraut zu machen und wie das ganze System funktioniert. Im Forex-Markt sind die Spieler in der Regel Geschäftsbanken, Zentralbanken und Firmen im Außenhandel, ientsnmevt Fonds, Broker-Unternehmen und andere Privatpersonen mit großem Kapital beteiligt. Mit der Geschwindigkeit und hoher Liquidität von Vermögenswerten, die meisten Unternehmen in diesem Geschäft als in jedem anderen Handelsunternehmen engagieren. Transaktionen werden in einem jiffy getan, es gibt keine Mitgliedsbeiträge und es gibt immer die Faszination und das Versprechen von großen, großen Gewinn. Der Handel erfolgt paarweise. Die am häufigsten gehandelten Währungen sind in der Regel der US-Dollar, Japanischer Yen, Euro, Britisches Pfund, Kanadischer Dollar, Australischer Dollar und der Schweizer Franken. Die am häufigsten gehandelten Währungspaare sind der US-Dollar und der japanische Yen, der Euro und der US-Dollar, der Schweizer Franken und der US-Dollar. Im Forex-Handel ist alles spekulativ und virtuell. Es gibt keine tatsächliche Produkt verkauft oder gekauft. Die Aktivität besteht größtenteils aus berechneten Eingaben, die auf dem Wert einer Währung gegen eine andere vorgenommen werden. Sagen Sie zum Beispiel, Sie können Euro mit US-Dollar kaufen, in der Hoffnung, dass der Euro wird es Wert erhöhen. Sobald ihr Wert steigt, können Sie den Euro wieder verkaufen, so verdienen Sie profitieren. Strategie Zwei: Lernen Sie die Sprache. Es gibt drei Konzepte, die Sie wissen müssen, auf dem Devisenmarkt. Pips beziehen sich auf die Erhöhung von einem Hundertstel eines Prozents des Wertes des Währungspaares, das Sie handeln. Normalerweise hat jeder Pip einen Wert von 10 oder 1. Volumen ist die Menge oder Menge des Geldes, das zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt auf dem Markt gehandelt wird. Kauf ist der Erwerb einer bestimmten Währung. Ein Händler kauft mit der Hoffnung, dass der Preis der Währung zunehmen wird. Selling ist eine Währung bis zu packen auf dem Markt, weil ein Potenzial oder die Möglichkeit einer Verringerung ihres Wertes. Es gibt auch zwei Techniken der Analyse in der Regel in diesem Geschäft die grundlegende und die technische Analyse verwendet. Technische Analyse wird in der Regel von kleinen und mittleren Spielern verwendet. Hier dreht sich der primäre Punkt der Analyse um den Preis. Die Fundamentalanalyse dagegen wird von größeren Unternehmen und Spielern mit höherem Kapital verwendet, da sie die anderen Faktoren berücksichtigt, die den Wert einer bestimmten Währung beeinflussen. Bei dieser Art der Analyse sucht der Spieler auch auf die Situation des Landes, vor allem Themen wie politische Stabilität, die Inflationsrate, die Arbeitslosenquote, und Steuerpolitik, da diese eine Wirkung auf den currencys Wert zu sehen sind. Strategie Drei: Entwicklung einer soliden Handelsstrategie. Ihre Trading-Strategie würde davon abhängen, welche Art von Trader Sie sind. Die grundlegende Sache mit der Entwicklung einer Handelsstrategie ist zu identifizieren, welche Art von Forex Trader Sie sind. Eine gute Handelsstrategie sollte verringern, wenn nicht, Verluste zu beseitigen. Planen Sie auch die Größe Ihrer Transaktionen. Es ist besser, viele verschiedene Trades als eine große Transaktion zu führen. Es entwickelt nicht nur Disziplin, sondern verringert auch jeden möglichen Verlust, da nur ein Bruchteil des Kapitals betroffen ist. Teil einer Trading-Strategie ist die Entwicklung der Werte der Disziplin und richtige Geld-Management. Strategie Vier: Übung. Versuchen Sie Papierhandel, eine großartige Möglichkeit, Ihre Fähigkeiten zu üben, sehen, wie der Markt funktioniert und kennen die Software und Werkzeuge verwendet werden. Es gibt Online-Broker, die freie Papier-Trades ermöglichen, die Praxis und Erfahrung, bevor Sie es mit echtem Geld ermöglicht. Strategie Fünf: Wählen Sie den richtigen Devisenhändler. Stellen Sie sicher, dass sie gesetzlich geregelt sind. Nehmen Sie nicht von Händlern mit Ientsnmevt-Systeme, die zu-gut-zu-sein-true-just-false-hofft Versprechen geben. Schauen Sie auf ientsnmevt Angebote vor dem Start. Forex-Handel kann leicht und überschaubar erscheinen. Aber der emotionale Stress, die Anforderungen und Herausforderungen des Seins ein Forex Trader erfordert mehr als nur das Wissen des Marktes. Es erfordert mehr als nur einen scharfen und vernünftigen Kopf für die Wirtschaft. Es geht um einen Gameplan, eine Strategie. Punam 2015 11 28, 05:33 LotExponent viel, viel 0,1 lotexponent 1,4 0,1 0,2. iqszsdvtr urlvcfxjzglrzvcfxjzglrz / url linkzskzbtdczskzbtdc / link Kancha 2015 11 27, 23.09 Doppelstoploss 500.0double Wanderungs 10.0double TrailStop 10.0LotExponent 1.4extern Bool DynamicPips trueextern int DefaultPips 12extern int Glubina 24extern int DEL 3extern dobule Schlupf 3.0extern dobule Lots 0.01extern int lotdecimal 1extern dobule Takeprofit 10,0 // extern dobule PipStep 30.0extern dobule Tropfen 5000extern dobule RsiMinimum 30.0extern dobule RsiMaximum 70.0extern int Magicnumber 2222int PipStep0extern int MaxTrades 10extern Bool UseEquityStop FALSEextern dobule TotalEquityRisk 20.0extern Bool UseTrailingStop FALSEextern Bool UseTimeOut FALSEextern dobule MaxTradeOpenHours 48.0. 1000 DROP 5000. DROP 500, :) Willi 2015 11 27, 07:26 Besetzt Restaurants und CAFS brauchen eine solotiun für schnelle, bequeme Heizung. Dieser Counter top Pizzaofen ist die perfekte Solotiun: kommerzielle Qualität und unglaublich vielseitig. Features: Timer mit 15-Minuten-Schritten. Krümelschublade für einfache Reinigung. Die oberen und unteren Heizelemente. Ein - / Ausschalter für obere und untere Heizelemente. Thermostatische Steuerung 700F. Technische Daten: Abmessungen: 9 x 20 x 15 120 Volt 1500 Watt 12,5 Ampere 14. Rack. Bitte erlauben Sie 1-2 Wochen. Pizza ist alles über Möglichkeiten. Mit einer unendlichen Vielfalt von Kombinationen von Topping und Kruste, ist es keine Überraschung, die Pizza hat eine so große Popularität. Pizza kann in einem herkömmlichen Ofen gekocht werden, aber die besten schmeckende Pizzas kommen normalerweise von einem speziell entworfenen Ofen für Pizza. Traditionell ist die Pizza-Ofen eine große Ofen, die bis zu hohen Temperaturen erwärmen kann. Termin Pizzaofen ist irreführend. Pizza Öfen ziemlich vielseitig und kann verwendet werden, um viele Dinge zu kochen, einschließlich großer Topf Dessert. Msydyscgml 2012 12 04, 23:54 5tj7z3. Urlclrumogxjzit / clrumogxjzit / url, linkgestluifhymbu / iebluifhymbu / link, trmvokyxmzme / vlclofts 2012 12 02, 06: 29miniBB / Kompletter Benutzer - und Administrationsleitfaden Wichtiger Hinweis Dieses Dokument enthält fast alles, was Sie anfangs über MiniBB wissen sollten, jedoch in den ersten Jahren Von miniBB-Projekt, und in den nächsten Jahren wurden nur geringfügige Änderungen vorgenommen. Thats, warum müssen wir Sie warnen: Diese Version des Leitfadens deckt nicht alle Funktionen und Möglichkeiten von miniBB, und seine erforderlich eine große Zeit, auf die Erläuterung sie alle zu arbeiten. Wir planen, es in der nächsten Zukunft zu starten. Wir entschuldigen uns im Voraus für mögliche Fehler, die Sie während des Lesens entdecken können, und wir hoffen, dass Sie Geduld haben und verstehen, dass die Vorbereitung eines umfassenden Handbuchs sogar eine größere Aufgabe ist, als das Programm selbst zu erstellen. Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, ob ein Feature vorhanden ist oder wie das und das funktioniert, zögern Sie nicht, uns in unserem Forum zu fragen. Wir sind immer bereit, den Menschen bei allen Fragen, die unsere Software betreffen, zu helfen. MiniBB (eine Abkürzung für minimalistisches Bulletin Board) ist ein flaches Bulletin Board, eine Diskussionsforums-Software, geschrieben in PHP und unter Verwendung von mySQL oder einer anderen PHP-kompatiblen Datenbank als Daten-Backend. Mini bedeutet nicht nichts. Besonders für kleine und mittlere Forengemeinschaften, die weniger als 100 einmalige Beiträge pro Tag haben, könnte miniBB auch in großen Projekten eingesetzt werden. Wenn Sie einen Blick auf MiniBB-Einstellungen-Datei oder dieses Handbuch, youll finden Sie eine Menge von Optionen, sowohl für Benutzer und Administrator, die vollständige und in-time Kontrolle über das Board zu ermöglichen. Diese Anleitung bezieht sich auf fast alle miniBB-Funktionen und - Möglichkeiten. Es ist sowohl für Benutzer und Administrator erstellt und ist in MiniBB-Paket als Standard-FAQ enthalten. Sie können dieses Handbuch als Basis-Benutzer-FAQ für Ihre Seite unter GNU Free Documentation License verwenden, die unten beschrieben wird. Wenn Sie dieses Handbuch als FAQ in Ihren Foren verwenden, entfernen Sie das Handbuch für Administratoren und Entwickler, das im Abschnitt Installation, Anpassung, Administratoroptionen und Hinweise für Entwickler beschrieben wird. Regelmäßige Benutzer sollten über diese Möglichkeiten zu lesen. Einige in diesem Handbuch beschriebene Optionen erfordern grundlegende HTML - und PHP-Kenntnisse. Wenn Sie auf Anfänger-User-Ebene sind, studieren Sie es sehr sorgfältig. Denken Sie daran: niemand kann Sie verstehen, aber jemand könnte Ihnen eine Chance geben. Es gibt keine speziellen Anforderungen an Server-Typ, Betriebssystem, PHP oder MySQL-Version. Jedes System, das PHP / mySQL-Kombination unterstützt, sollte auch miniBB unterstützen. Weve bekam Berichte, dass MiniBB erfolgreich bis Amp läuft auf Unix, Linux, Windows, Novell, MacOSX-Servern, mit Apache oder IIS installiert wurde. Wie über PHP oder Datenbankversion, empfehlen wir, NUR FINAL und STABLE Versionen dieser Produkte zu verwenden. Bevor Sie miniBB installieren, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie PHP auf Ihrem Server installiert haben und Sie haben MySQL-Host, Login und Passwort-Informationen, die Sie brauchen, um in der Konfigurationsdatei zu setzen. MiniBB ist ein GPL-Projekt (mehr über Free Software Foundation über GPL-Lizenz), und Sie können alle Scripts unter den Bedingungen von GPL kopieren / verteilen / ändern. Sie können jede Datei, die Sie erhalten (einschließlich Vorlagen, CSS, Sprachpaket, Plugins, Addons, Scripts), natürlich, ersetzen unser Logo, vielleicht bearbeiten Sie das Menü auf der Oberseite, auch als Ihre eigenen Keywords und Beschreibung in der Hauptüberschrift Datei, aber SIE KÖNNEN NICHT unseren urheberrechtlichen Link-String aus der Vorlage mainfooter. html entfernen (auch Sie können seinen Look oder Standort ändern) und bieten miniBB als Ihr Produkt oder einen Teil der Website an, wenn Sie freie GPL-Lizenz verwenden 1 und 2c dieser Lizenz. Für das Entfernen der Verbindung und / oder alle Copyright-Informationen, müssen Sie kaufen miniBB kommerzielle Lizenz. Lesen Sie mehr über technische Unterstützung auf unserer Website. Wenn Sie miniBB in Ihre eigene Software integrieren möchten, gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten, dies zu tun: a) Verteilen Sie Ihre Software kostenlos mit entsprechenden Lizenz, sollten Sie erwähnen, MiniBBs Autoren Copyright UNTOUCHED innerhalb jedes Skripts, und Sie können dies ohne jede Verpflichtung tun Uns, da GPL-Lizenz deckt, dass b) die Verteilung Ihrer Software kommerziell, sollten Sie entweder alle MiniBB Copyright-Hinweise wie in freier Software-Fall zu halten, aber wenn Sie alle Verweise auf uns entfernen möchten, müssen wir unterzeichnen besondere kommerzielle Vereinbarung, die ist Werden. Installation miniBB muss die folgenden Dateiverbindungsstrukturen haben (nur markierte kursiv markierte Dateien können entfernt oder umbenannt werden, andere nicht): Optional können auch Installationsdateien, Module für verschiedene Datenbanken, Plugin-Scripts verwendet werden. Dies ist das Standardpaket, aber Sie können es erweitern, wenn Sie es wirklich brauchen. IMG, LANG und TEMPLATES sind Systemverzeichnisse. Es ist verboten, sie umzubenennen. Sie bedeuten: IMG: Boards Bilder sind in diesem Verzeichnis platziert, inkl. Hot-Buttons und Themen-Icons. Innerhalb dieses, youll finden Sie ein Verzeichnis mit dem Namen forumicons. Hier können Sie beliebige Forum-Icons platzieren. Dieses Verzeichnis wird nicht umbenannt. LANG: ein Verzeichnis für die Aufbewahrung von Sprachpaketen. VORLAGEN: ein Verzeichnis für HTML-Vorlagen. Lesen Sie mehr darüber unten. Andere Dateien bedeuten die folgenden: bbadmin. php: Ihre Administrationsbereichsdatei. Sie müssen es umbenennen aus Standard (siehe Optionen unten) bbcodes. php: zwei Funktionen im Inneren bietet BB-Codes Ersatz unabhängig für jedes MiniBB-Update. Bearbeiten Sie diese Datei nicht, wenn Sie mit PHP und / oder regulären Ausdrücken nicht vertraut sind. Wenn Sie es sind, können Sie dies bearbeiten und Ihre neuen BB-Codes (f. e. speziell für Administrator) hinzufügen. EnCodeBB () - Funktion, die bei der Buchung von Nachrichten verwendet wird, deCodeBB () - bei der Bearbeitung von Meldungen (konvertiert HTML-Rückkehr zu BB-Codes). Bbdefaultstyle. css - Standard-CSS-Skin für Ihr Board (das gleiche wie in unseren Foren), wo Sie Farben, Tabellenbegrenzungen, Schriften usw. ändern können. W3C-kompatibel. Bbfunctions. php: dont bearbeiten. Wenn Sie mit PHP nicht vertraut sind. Dies ist die grundlegende Funktionsdatei für den Motor. Bbfunc. php Dateien: bearbeiten Sie sie nicht. Wenn Sie mit PHP nicht vertraut sind. Sie sind modulare Funktionsdateien für den Motor. Bbplugins. php: Datei mit allen notwendigen Plugins inklusive VOR einer Aktion. Standardmäßig ist sie leer. Diese Datei ist einmal in index. php enthalten, und wenn Sie Ihre BB auf neue Version aktualisieren, ist es nicht nötig, index. php jedes Mal zu bearbeiten. Bbplugins2.php: Datei mit allen notwendigen Plugins inklusive Nach jeder Aktion. Bbspecials. php: Datei enthält spezielle Foren-Definitionen, wie private, Archiv-Foren, Benutzer spezielle Rankings (siehe unten für mehr). Index. php: die Hauptaufrufdatei für miniBB. Normalerweise sollte Ihr Server es als Startdatei für jedes Verzeichnis unterstützen. Wenn nicht, überprüfen Sie Ihre Server - / PHP-Optionen. Jede Aktion auf der Platine wird aus dieser Datei aufgerufen. Setupmysql. php: Standard-Datenbank (mySQL) - Modul. Jede MySQL-Anfrage auf dem Board in ihr enthalten. Sie können auch ein anderes Modul (zB setupmssql. php oder setuppostgresql. php) haben. Setupoptions. php: miniBB-Optionsdatei, einschl. Administratordaten. Sie müssen auf jeden Fall seinen Inhalt ändern, aber auch nicht umbenennen. KOPIEREN. GPL-Lizenz. Bitte lesen Sie es vor der Verwendung von miniBB, und behalten Sie diese Datei, wenn Sie nicht haben, copyright Remove Key. Bevor Sie unsere Forum-Software installieren und betreiben, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie ALLE Dateien, die im Originalpaket für FTP bereitgestellt wurden, hochgeladen haben und die Dateien / Ordner-Struktur MATCHES THE ORIGINAL. Vergleichen Sie eins nach dem anderen alle hochgeladenen und originalen Dateien nach Größe. Es ist ein sehr häufiger Fehler, wenn eine Datei nicht vollständig hochgeladen wurde (während des Verbindungsfehlers oder FTP-Client-Reset-Fehler), und alle, die zusätzlichen Fehlerbericht bei der Ausführung von miniBB geben können (so wird es nicht vollständig ausführen). Dies ist beispielsweise ein Grund für häufige Fehlerberichte wie TEMPLATE NOT FOUND, Fatal error. ,. Failed to open stream: Keine solche Datei oder Verzeichnis in., Fehler beim Öffnen. Zur Einbeziehung. Etc. Beginnen Sie die Installation von miniBB ist sehr einfach. Sie müssen mit diesem Befehl eine Datenbank auf Ihrem SQL-Server erstellen (zB miniBB): Wenn Sie keine Datenbank erstellen können, fragen Sie Ihren Server-Provider, ob Sie ihn auch fragen möchten, Datenbank und Host. Diese Daten sind für die Ausführung von miniBB-Installationen und allgemeinen Skripten erforderlich. Packen Sie Ihr Minibb-Zip-Paket irgendwo auf Ihrer Festplatte aus. Achten Sie darauf, dass Sie alle Dateien ausgepackt werden, die die Originalordnerstruktur beibehalten. So dass sie nicht in einem Ordner auf Ihrer Festplatte befinden. Seien Sie sicher, dass Sie IMG, LANG, TEMPLATES Ordner extrahiert haben. Finden Sie die Datei mit dem Namen setupoptions. php. Dies ist Ihre Haupt-Setup-Datei. Alle Motoren basieren darauf. Öffnen Sie die Optionsdatei mit einem einfachen Texteditor auf Ihrem Computer. Bearbeiten Sie Ihre PHP-Dateien mit einem qualifizierten Texteditor Wir empfehlen Notepad2. Oder regulären Editor, da diese Editoren keine zusätzlichen Zeilenumbrüche, Leerzeichen oder Pausen vor ltphp und / oder nach gt speichern. Es ist verboten, eine solche Art von Zeichen aus PHP-Ausführungscode zu haben, da dies zu Problemen mit Ihrem Board führen kann (z. B. können Sie sich nicht anmelden, und Art dieser Fehler angezeigt wird: Header-Informationen können nicht geändert werden - Header bereits gesendet By (output started at.) Sie finden eine Reihe von Optionsvariablen, aber es ist nicht notwendig, um alle von ihnen in diesem ersten Schritt zu bearbeiten. Wir bearbeiten nur notwendig, und erklären Sie die anderen später. Lasst uns anfangen 36DB mysql Abhängig von Ihre Datenbank-Modul, könnte mysql, postgresql oder mssql. Halten Sie mysql für die aktuelle Version von miniBB 36DBhostlocalhost Hostname für Ihre SQL-Setup. Mehr wahrscheinlich localhost 36DBnameminiBB Ihr SQL-Datenbankname, den Sie gerade erstellt haben 36DBusrUSERNAME Ihr SQL-Benutzername 36DBpwdPASSWORD Ihre SQL-Kennwort 36Tfminibbforums 36Tpminibbposts 36Ttminibbtopics 36Tuminibbusers 36Tsminibbsendmails 36Tbminibbbanned Databases Tabellennamen - zur Vermeidung von externen Hacker-Attacken müssen Sie diese Tabellen auf etwas anderes umbenennen, nicht wie in der Standard-MiniBB-Installation. Auf der anderen Seite, sollten diese Namen nicht in Konflikt mit vorhandenen Tabellen, wenn Sie irgendwelche haben. 36adminusr ADMINUSR Administrator-Login, wird auch als erster Engine-Benutzername mit ID1 in die Datenbank eingefügt. Sie können sie jederzeit ändern und Ihre Einstellungen über das Admin-Panel aktualisieren (siehe unten). Auf Symbole gibt es nur eine Begrenzung Einstellung admin name: es kann kein Zeichen enthalten. Dieses Zeichen wird in Brettern verwendet, wenn Sie es verwenden, werden Sie nicht in der Lage sein, sich als admin anzumelden. 36adminpwd ADMINPWD Administratorkennwort. 36adminemail adminemail Admin E-Mail in den Einstellungen, können Sie es nicht öffentlich zeigen. Allerdings wird es auch als Von E-Mail für alle automatischen E-Mails auf dem Forum verwendet werden, so bewusst sein, um spezielle E-Mail, die von jedem bekannt sein kann. // replytoemailadminemail nicht obligatorische Option, die eine E-Mail-Adresse spezifiziert, verwendet verwendet in Reply-To, Errors-To und Return-Pfad-Felder. Auf diese Weise können Sie eine spezifische, nicht verwendete in der regulären Postadresse angeben, wo Sie alle Fehler erhalten und die im Antwortfeld in allen automatisierten MiniBB-Nachrichten sichtbar sein werden. Derzeit standardmäßig alle E-Mails enthalten Reply-To-E-Mail-Adresse im Adminemail-Feld angegeben, die in allen automatisierten Korrespondenz sichtbar ist. 36bbadmin bbadmin. php Admin-Panel FILENAME - Wir empfehlen dringend, aus Sicherheitsgründen die Standard-bbadmin. php (Verwaltungsdatei) in einem Root-Verzeichnis auf etwas anderes umzubenennen. Parameter muss am Ende Fragezeichen enthalten. 36mainurlwwwyourdomainurl / Foren Vollständige URL (beginnend mit) zum Message Board (nicht zur Hauptseite.) OHNE Schrägstrich am Ende) in E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen und anderen Scripting-Sachen verwendet, wie Umleitung von einer Seite zur anderen. Muss richtig eingestellt werden, damit das Board einwandfrei funktioniert. Achten Sie besonders darauf. Domain und Domain sind nicht die gleichen Dinge, besonders wenn wir über die Handhabung von Cookies zu sprechen. Wenn das Cookie aus der Domäne gesetzt wurde. Es funktioniert nicht auf Domain. und umgekehrt. Dies ist der sehr häufige Fehler, der Probleme beim Einloggen in / out in Foren macht. Setzen Sie sehr sorgfältig mysql Benutzername, Passwort, Host und Datenbank. Entsprechend Benutzerberechtigungen muss es SUPER-USER sein, das auch Tabellen verursachen kann (wenn Sie sie vom web über Installation vom Browser verursachen). Viele Benutzer wissen nicht viel über diese Werte und erhalten Fehler wie Datenbank - / Konfigurationsfehler. Oder Datenbank - / Konfigurationsfehler (DB fehlt). . Und füllen unsere Support-Mitarbeiter mit den gleichen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit unsachgemäßen Konfiguration. MiniBB verwendet nichts spezielles für Verbindung zur Datenbank - nur regelmäßige PHP / mySQL Funktionen. Wenn Sie Fehler bekommen, haben Sie falsche Einstellungen angegeben. Das ist alles, was wir sagen können. Achten Sie auch auf die Option pathToFiles. Die nachfolgend beschrieben wird. Sein nicht abhängig von Änderung, wenn youre, das keine Schwierigkeiten mit dem Laufen der Brett hat. Allerdings wird es auf einigen Betriebssystemen wie Windows und einigen Serverkonfigurationen dringend erforderlich sein, dass Sie den absoluten Pfad zu Ihren Skripts festlegen, sodass sie über die PHPs-Funktion richtig eingefügt werden können. Auch viele Bibliotheken von Drittanbietern, die in PHP verfügbar sind, müssen diese Option als vollständiger Pfad festgelegt werden (zB GD oder Aspell). Nächster Schritt - Sie müssen die Struktur Ihrer Datenbank zu erstellen. Übertragen Sie alle Dateien über FTP oder lokales Netzwerk an einen Platz auf Ihrem Server. Verwenden Sie die Qualität FTP-Manager zu tun, dass Wir empfehlen Total Commander aber der Hauptzweck ist, dass Sie alle Dateien speichern sollten, wie sie ursprünglich sind, nicht gebrochen oder binär-konvertiert. Im Hauptverzeichnis finden Sie install. php Datei und, für mySQL zum Beispiel, installmysql. sql Datei. Sql-Datei ist eigentlich Ihr Dump. Wenn Sie Fähigkeiten haben, Datenbank aus SQL-Shell zu erstellen, können Sie es ausführen und alle Tabellen manuell einfügen - aber wir empfehlen es nicht. Dies ist nur für echte Profis, die wissen, was sie tun. Führen Sie aus Ihrem Browser die install. php-Datei, wird es alle Tabellen nach ihren Namen in setupoptions. php erstellen und fügen Sie alle erforderlichen Werte. Normalerweise dauert es 1-2 Sekunden. Der erste Bildschirm wird Sie begrüßen, um Setup aufzurufen. Klicken Sie auf Weiter. Wenn alles, was Sie in Optionsdatei eingegeben haben, korrekt ist, werden alle erforderlichen Tabellen in der. sql-Datei beschrieben. Wenn nicht, achten Sie auf Ihre config. Nach OK, können Sie mit dem Aufbau Ihrer Gemeinde Einfach, ist es nicht Aber zuerst, DELETE die install. php-Datei, auch als installmysql. sql und möglicherweise andere. sql-Dateien aus Verzeichnis. Wir brauchen sie nicht mehr. MiniBB-Engine verwendet Cookies für registrierte Benutzer und Admin-Login. PHP-Sitzungen könnten optional verwendet werden, aber wir dont empfehlen es wegen der schwachen Suchmaschinen-Mechanismen auf Sessions. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Abschnitt Protokollierung. Also, schalten Sie Cookies in Ihrem Browser für das Zeug. Melden Sie sich auf Ihrer Admin-Seite an. Normalerweise ist bbadmin. php, aber da Sie diese Datei umbenannt werden (haben Sie.), Nur Sie wissen, was ist Admin-Panel-URL. Also, gehen Sie zu diesem Panel, und wahrscheinlich werden Sie aufgefordert, für Ihre Admin-Login und Passwort. Geben Sie sie, und Sie müssen in Admin-Panel gehen. Wenn die Meldung angezeigt wird und Sie sich nicht anmelden können, überprüfen Sie den Cookie-Pfad, die Domäne und den Namen, ändern Sie sie wahrscheinlich und versuchen Sie auf IIS-Servern, die MetaLocation-Option zu deaktivieren (siehe unten). Dort sehen Sie eine Reihe von Optionen für Ihre MiniBB Foren. Wir werden sie später beschreiben. Aber jetzt müssen wir einige Foren erstellen. Also, klicken Sie auf Forum-Link hinzufügen und. Folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm Wir schätzen, es wird sehr einfach sein, einige Foren zu erstellen. Siehe Supertitles Secton - Supertitles sind eigentlich Ersatz für Unterkategorien. Auch empfehlen wir nicht zu geben, Foren große Namen. Seien Sie so lakonisch wie möglich. Erstens ist es mehr erinnert, zweitens, große Namen passen nicht in Themen oder Threads Liste Seiten. Suche cralwers wie Google auch nicht wie sie. Wenn Sie miniBB als Administrator eingeben, werden Sie auch als einfacher Benutzer angemeldet. Sie können Beiträge unter Ihrem Namen machen, bearbeiten andere Beiträge, machen Löschungen usw. Gut darüber reden später. Nur eine: standardmäßig sollten Sie auch sehen, Admin-Panel-Link unter jeder Seite. Und Sie können automatisch zu Ihrem Panel über diesen Link zu erreichen, jedes Mal, wenn Sie als admin angemeldet sind. Anpassung In diesem Moment sollte Ihre miniBB schon laufen. Gehen Sie zu index. php und überprüfen Sie diese. Aber es gibt eine Menge anderer Optionen, die Sie wahrscheinlich ändern möchten. Siehe auch setupoptions. php. Hinweis für PHP-Neulinge: // Ab-String bedeutet eigentlich nichts, und diese Einstellung wird auf keinen Fall funktionieren, da diese Anweisung COMMENTED ist (zwei Schrägstriche vorher). Entfernen von Schrägstrichen bedeutet UNCOMMENT oder ENABLE diese Einstellung. Ändern Sie zum Ändern der Einstellung ihren Inhalt zwischen apostrophes (). Numerische Einstellungen können auch keine Apostrophe enthalten. 36langeng Sprache, die in der MiniBB-Schnittstelle verwendet wird. Überprüfen Sie einfach, wie Ihre Sprachdatei im Verzeichnis lang aufgerufen wird (Beispiel: eng. php ist eng, rus. php ist rus). Standardmäßig ist nur die englische Sprachdatei enthalten. Weitere Sprachpakete finden Sie auf unserer Website. 36skindefault Der Name des CSS-Skins (in diesem Fall bb default style. css). Beispiele für die Verwendung von Haut: Standard, Licht oder klassisch. Weitere Skins finden Sie auf unserer Website. In vielen Fällen müssen Sie den Titel verlassen und bearbeiten Standard-Haut selbst. 36sitenameCommunity auf MiniBB Foren-Titel aufbauen. Erscheint auf allen Seiten in E-Mail-Themen und Körper. 36emailadmin1 Email admin wenn neue Themen oder Antworten gepostet werden, auch wenn neuer Benutzer registriert ist. 0 für nein 1 für ja. Antworten / Themen E-Mails werden gesendet, wenn admin nicht das Nachrichtenplakat ist. 36emailusers1 Wenn 1. Benutzer können E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen über alle Themen und Beiträge abonnieren, die sie machen (auch wenn sie nicht Autoren dieser Themen oder Beiträge sind). Empfohlen nur für kleine und mittlere Foren. Wenn Ihre Foren viele Besucher und Plakate haben, empfehlen wir, diese auf 0 zu drehen. Diese Einstellung wirkt sich nicht auf das Senden von vergessenen Passwörtern und die Registrierung von Passwörtern (siehe unten) aus. Ab der Version RC3a ist es möglich zu definieren, ob Benutzer Benachrichtigungen über die gewählte Sprache erhalten können (Set Emailuser 2). In diesem Fall sollten Sie E-Mail-Benachrichtigungsdateien mit Sprache 3 Buchstaben Postfix erstellen, zum Beispiel: emailreplynotifyrus. txt, emailuserregisterrus. txt, emailuserpasswordrus. txt für russische Sprache (wenn Sie langrus definiert haben). Wenn diese Dateien nicht vorhanden sind, wird die Standard-Sprachpaketdatei (emailreplynotifyeng. txt, emailuserregistereng. txt oder emailuserpasswordeng. txt) übernommen. Für Admin - und Systembenachrichtigungen wird das Standard-Sprachpaket mit (eng postfix) übernommen. 36userRegName A-Za-z0-9 Über die Registrierung können Benutzer nur diese Symbole in ihrem Anmeldenamen verwenden. Sie können internationale Buchstaben (f. e spezifische russische Symbole unter spezieller Kodierungstabelle) hinzufügen. String basiert auf REGEXP match, also wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, berühren Sie es nicht. Auch DONT ADD Zeichen bitte und andere spezielle Symbole zu (vor allem wie ltgt, Apostroph und Zitate). 36lsepr ist ein Symbol, um einige Werte wie Menüpunkte zu trennen. Zum Beispiel, setzen Sie es auf middot und youll erhalten kleinen mittleren Punkt. 36posttextmaxlength10240 Max. Zeichen und Leerzeichen in einer Meldung. Dont auf 0 setzen - dann werden Ihre Besucher nicht in der Lage, alles posten. 36postwordmaxlength70 Maximale Anzahl Zeichen, erlaubt in 1 Wort. Wird für die Deaktivierung langer URLs verwendet, die Ihre Design-Sache zerstört. 36topicmaxlength70 Maximale Anzahl Zeichen, erlaubt in Titel des Themas. 36viewmaxtopic30 Wie viele Themen auf einer Seite zu zeigen. 36viewlastdiscussions30 Wie viele letzte Diskussionen auf der ersten Seite zeigen, 0 deaktiviert die letzten Diskussionen (siehe unten, was bedeutet letzte Gespräche). 36viewmaxreplys30 Wie viele Antworten auf einer Seite zu zeigen. 36viewmaxsearch40 Max Suchergebnisse pro Seite. 36viewpagelim50 Max Seiten, die Sie entweder in der Suche, Beiträge oder Themenliste ansehen können. 36viewTopicsIfOnlyOneForum0 Wenn Sie nur ein Forum haben, können Themen innerhalb automatisch auf der ersten Seite angezeigt werden. 1 für ja, 0 für nein. 36protectWholeForum 0 Sollten wir alle Foren durch ein Passwort schützen Wenn der Wert 1 ist, werden auch zwei Werte definiert. Else auf 0 gesetzt. 36protectWholeForumPwd SOMEPWD Passwort zum Schutz des gesamten Forums. 36postRange 60 Antispam: Zeitbereich in Sek. Benutzer können keine Nachricht weniger als nach dieser Zeit. Achtung: null (0) deaktiviert Antispam 36dateFormat j F Y H: i: s Datumsformat für die Anzeige in Foren. Die gleiche Syntax wie in PHP selbst. Textliche englische Monatstitel, die durch F definiert sind, werden durch die aus der Sprachdatei entnommenen Monatsdefinitionen ersetzt. 36cookiedomain Plätzchenbereich. Wahrscheinlich müssen Sie diese leer lassen, aber wenn Sie Probleme haben, loggen Sie sich in das Forum, setzen Sie diese auf Ihren Domain-Namen, ohne die. D. h. Wenn Ihr Forum auf mysite / miniBB ist dann setzen Sie diesen Wert auf mysite. 36cookiename MiniBBsite Cookie-Name. Verwenden Sie nur lateinische Buchstaben, Ziffern und Unterstriche. Es sind keine Leerzeichen, Punkte oder Sonderzeichen erlaubt, wodurch die Anmeldung nicht mehr möglich ist. Sollte mit einem lateinischen Buchstaben beginnen. 36cookiepath Cookie-Einstellung. Normalerweise müssen Sie nicht dieses ändern. 36cookiesecure FALSE Cookie-Einstellung. Normalerweise müssen Sie nicht dieses ändern. 36cookieexpires 3600 Dies ist die Anzahl der Sekunden, die eine Sitzung dauert, 3600 1 Stunde, 2592000 30 Tage. Die Sitzung wird exprire, wenn der Benutzer nicht eine Seite auf dem Forum innerhalb dieser Zeit. Wenn Sie Probleme mit internationalen Benutzern haben, legen Sie diese auf 25 Stunden. 36cookierenew 1800 Dies ist die Zeit, nach der die Sitzung wieder gesendet wird, zum Beispiel, der Benutzer wurde einmal protokolliert, dann loggt sich wieder (Passwort wird nicht gefragt), funktioniert und diese Zeitspanne erreicht wird. Normalerweise ist es nicht notwendig, dies zu ändern. 36disallowNamesarray (anonym, ass, etc.) Diese Funktion verhindert, dass Benutzer verbotene Namen registrieren. Definieren Sie in Apostrophen unzulässige Benutzerregistrierungsnamen. Wenn Sie mehr als 1 Sprachpaket verwenden, definieren Sie hier alle Zeichenfolgen unter dem Namen 36lanonymous im Sprachpaket, sonst kann sich der Besucher zB unter Anonymen Namen registrieren. Fall spielt keine Rolle, wenn Sie ein Wort definieren. Sie können auch ein Wort-Fragment hier definieren, so dass Benutzer nicht in der Lage, Anmeldename, die dieses Fragment enthält registrieren. DisallowNamesIndexarray (admin) In Kombination mit disallowNames können Sie die Liste der verbotenen Benutzernamen festlegen, die nicht über die Benutzerregistrierung verwendet werden können. Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass das Skript auf ein in disallowNames definiertes Wortfragment und die exakte Übereinstimmung mit in disallowNamesIndex definierten Wörtern überprüft. Zum Beispiel, mit admin in disallowNames Sie verbieten Benutzer registrieren auch die Namen wie b admin ton. Also, setzen Fragmente in das erste Array und genaue Übereinstimmungen in der zweiten. 36sortingTopics0 Wenn 1, werden Themen nach neuen Themen sortiert, auch für anonyme Benutzer, die sie nach neuen Antworten sortiert werden. 36topStats4 Muss entweder 1, 2, 3 oder 4 sein - entsprechend für die Statistiken Top5, Top10, Top20 und Top40. 36genEmailDisable0 1 deaktiviert System-E-Mail-Sendungen total: Passwort vergessen und gesendet, wenn Sie 36closeRegister aktiviert haben (siehe unten). Nützlich für diejenigen, die kein sendmail oder ein anderes Programm auf dem Server installiert hat. 36defDays365 Standardtermwert, der die Statistik für diesen Zeitraum definiert (z. B. wenn Sie Statistiken innerhalb eines Monats als Standardwert anzeigen möchten, setzen Sie ihn auf 30). 36userUnlock0 Wenn es auf 0 gesetzt ist, kann der registrierte Benutzer sein Thema nicht wieder entsperren, nachdem es gesperrt wurde (von admin oder sich selbst) und umgekehrt. Wenn sie auf 2 gesetzt ist, können Benutzer ihre Themen nicht generell sperren (verfügbar ab Version 2.0 RC3). 36emailadmposts0 Es bedeutet, dass admin E-Mails nur über neue Benutzerregistrierungen erhält. Wenn emailadmposts auf 1 gesetzt ist, erhält admin auch eine Benachrichtigung über jeden neuen Beitrag. Wenn es nicht gesetzt ist oder gleich 0 ist, empfängt admin diese E-Mails nicht, kann aber die Themen manuell abonnieren. 36useredit86400 Parameter definiert die Anzahl der Sekunden, nach denen der Benutzer nicht beabsichtigt, seine Nachricht zu bearbeiten. Standardmäßig ist 1 Tag (86400 Sek.) Wenn 0 oder nicht gesetzt ist, kann der Benutzer seinen Beitrag jederzeit bearbeiten. // 36metaLocationgo Diese Option sollte das Login / Logout-Problem lösen, das von einigen Benutzern auf IIS-Servern und anderen exotischen Servern aufgetreten ist. Diese Server können 2 Header (Cookie und Speicherort) nicht nacheinander senden. Having go. html Datei (oder jede andere Datei, da Dateiname hier gesetzt werden kann) im Vorlagen Foren-Verzeichnis mit Meta-Header in ihr, werden Sie zuerst diese Datei zu besuchen, und dann youll von ihr an einen anderen Ort verlagert werden. You can edit go. html if your wish for now, its structure is very simple and it redirects within 0 seconds, so probably you wont ever actually see it. This option is not turned on by default. //36closeRegister1 setting this to 1, it is possible to avoid open registrations. By default when user registers, he enters desired login/password and from the first step becomes a registered user. It is possible to avoid incorrect email address upon registration in that case. If you set this setting to 1 (default is still 0 or unset), on the registration form user will not see the password field, and will receive it via email provided upon registration (password will be generated automatically). In the template userdataform. html there should be lt--PASSWORD--gtlt--/PASSWORD--gt tags when registering, user wont see the inner content between these tags, but will see it only editing the profile (so the tags are needed because the same template is used for the registration and modifying the profile). Having this option set, you SHOULD set genEmailDisable parameter equal to 0. And of course you should have sendmail working ok. If you set this option to 1, dont forget to edit registration message lgoToLogin in language pack, when you should inform the user that he will get his password on email. Alternatively, in your forums manual mention that registered users should enter their correct email address, because password will be sent here. If you have this option set, user must confirm email also if he changes it in Preferences. //36timeDiff21600 Allows you to set time difference between you and server, so all dates are displayed in your time zone. This could be a rare thing and necessary only if you, for example, have server in US and are visiting it from Norway. You need to set up timeDiff in seconds. Positive 21600 sets up 6 hours of time difference. Note that miniBB is still saving server time into SQL database. This option will only re-calculate the server times in your format. Setting this, of course, will slow down the execution of scripts. //36statsbarWidthLim31 this setting affects statistics bar length. In most cases, you do not change this. dbUserSheme array( usernamegtarray(1,username, login), userpasswordgtarray(3,userpassword, passwd), useremailgtarray(4,useremail, email), usericqgtarray(5,usericq, icq), userwebsitegtarray(6,userwebsite, website), useroccgtarray(7,userocc, occupation), userfromgtarray(8,userfrom, from), userinterestgtarray(9,userinterest, interest), userviewemailgtarray(10,userviewemail, userviewemail), usersorttopicsgtarray(11,usersorttopics, usersorttopics), languagegtarray(14,language, language), numtopicsgtarray(16,numtopics,), numpostsgtarray(17,numposts,), usercustom1gtarray(18,usercustom1,usercustom1), usercustom2gtarray(19,usercustom2,usercustom2), usercustom3gtarray(20,usercustom3,usercustom3) ) This database scheme array describes relations between field names in userdataform. html (registration, profile) correspondingly to database, and database indexes used in userinfo viewing. So, you can use your own database table for usernames (for example, as another part of your site) and only define relations here. Relation format: MINIBB DEF gt array(NUMERICALINDEXKEY, TABLEFIELDNAME, FORMFIELDNAME) Pay attention that the structure of fields, their types must be default as in miniBB database, for example, userpassword must be saved in md5 format. Edit this option ONLY if you are NOT NEWBIE How the registration/profile script works: it goes through every MINIBB DEFINITION, and correspondly parses a POSTFORMFIELDNAME. When viewing profile, INDEX is taken into consideration. Fields like userregdate or activity are not defined by user, so, it is not necessary (and even forbidden) to define them here. Second password field must be named passwd2. All values in a form must be named as their fields. Example: field login will be valued as . For viewing new or custom fields on User Info page, you need to set corresponding lusrInfo variable. Keys of this array are the same as keys for table fields (for example, if key for usericq is 5, ICQ language definition is lusrInfo5). usercustom1, usercustom2, usercustom3 database fields can be displayed on the user info page as well you will need to add corresponding values for these to the language pack though: lusrInfo12, lusrInfo13 and lusrInfo14 ,- accordingly. You may also add additional custom fields, naming them so they contain usercustom in the system key definition. In that case, set corresponding lusrInfo so it begins from 15. For example, if you have usercustom1, usercustom2, usercustomname, usercustomsurname listed in order one by one, lusrInfo keys are 12, 13, 14, 15. If you have enabled email notifications about new user registrations and/or send registration information to users email, you MUST also fix variables defining user data, in the templates: templates: emailadminuserregister. txt, emailuserregister. txt. Variables must correspond to your registration form fields (for example, if you have form field named email, variable will be ). With default miniBB database structure, no need to change these templates. dbUserIduserid dbUserDateuserregdate dbUserDateKey2 dbUserActactivity dbUserNpusernewpasswd dbUserNkusernewpwdkey Field names that are updated AUTOMATICALLY. DO NOT include them in db scheme list. enableNewRegistrationsTRUE If you want to enable new users register themselves FALSE in another case. enableProfileUpdateTRUE If you want user would able to update their profiles themselves FALSE in another case. indexphpindex. php The name of your index file you can rename it to something else if miniBBs index is conflicting with existing sites index name. Dont forget to put after filename. usersEditTopicTitleTRUE If you want topic authors may edit their topics title else FALSE. pathToFiles./ Full file system path to your miniBB files (could be, /usr/home/publichtml/forum/ for example, on Linux). Must have SLASH at the end. You may use one copy of general miniBB core, but having just different index and options file, create many communities based on this core. This option also could solve some file including problems on systems like Novell. You can set the full path to the scripts, or leave default if the board is working normally. This option also is necessary to set, if you include your own php header and footer (see below). //includeHeaderheader. php Uncomment and set alternate header, if you dont want to use miniBBs default mainheader. html (useful if you use some header. php from your own site, for better integration). //includeFooterfooter. php The same as above, for footer. Dont forget that our copyright link must migrate from our footer to yours in this case. //emptySubscribeTRUE Uncomment and set to TRUE if you want your users may subscribe to the topic without posting some text. //allForumsRegTRUE If you want to make all forums for registered only users by one touch else FALSE. //registerInactiveUsersTRUE If you want all registered users become inactive until you accept them. Used for manual user activity acceptions. If activity fields value in database is 1, user is able to make new topics, posts and another operations on forum. If 0, user is able only to login, but not use anything. It means his account is in database, but has been blocked for a while. With this, miniBB turns into a powerful anti-flood message board: you can make all your forums for registered users only with one option you can use only live emails, sending registration passwords there, you can set an option to view all new registrations on your email, and even if flooder has been registered, entering his Profile, you as admin or moderator can disable his activity (if you are logged as admin, at the end of members profile, you will see a cell Member and Yes/No in it. Clicking on Yes, you enable member status, and vice versa). In combination with sending all new user registration on admins email, you always will know who was registered on your forums. If user is registered and not accepted, he will always see a message You dont have access to this forum. or something else defined in languages lprivateForum. Correct this variable according to your needs OR just mention in your forum rules, that user is inactive until accepted. enableViewsTRUE By default, miniBB counts topic views, but does it only by simple way, when user opens some topic from the first page. Actually, topic views is not really necessary column, but could be useful for small communities. When counting views, SQL-server makes an UPDATE request on large databases, it could cause speed problems. So there is also possibility to comment or set this option to FALSE so this kind requests will not happen. //modrewriteTRUE Set only if you are using Apache server and would to use virtual addresses via it in miniBB. Read for more below. Not for newbies //userInfoInPostsarray(dbUserShemeuserfrom1, dbUserShemeuserwebsite1) Available from version 2.0 RC2b, this option defines list of users table fields, which values may be displayed in every post user makes. You can put exact field values here (not based on dbUserSheme), for example: but be sure these fields are appearing in users table itself. After setting this, in mainpostscell. html template you can set, for example, userfrom posterid and userwebsite posterid, and you will get actual values instead of variables when template will be parsed. Operating with users info table this way, you can get the value of any user field (like avatar, signature etc.) Combining this with plugins, we are achieving very smart level of customization. //userDeleteMsgs1 Available from version 2.0 RC3a, this option allows users to delete their own topics and/or messages (set 1 for allowing to delete only replies, 2 - for deleting both topics and replies). This option is tied up with userEdit option (see above) - when topic or message is expired for editing, it can not be deleted anymore. When deleting a record, PHP script makes many updates in another fields (number of posts per forum, posts per topic, posts per user etc.) - so, use this function on your own risk. Creating/deleting their topics often, users may overload your database. //textLd1 Available from 2.0 RC4, setting textLd1 or textLd2 you will get variable available in latest discussions section on the first page (templates/mainlastdiscusscell. html). If set to 2, all HTML formatting is removed from the post text, and you can use it in ltacronymgt tag, for example. If set to 1, post text is left as it is. startIndexindex. php Available from 2.0 RC5, this obligatory option sets the basic filename of index file, which will be displayed in backlinks to the main forum on the intermediate forum pages. Prevents duplicated content of search engines indexing. Default is index. php. Set index. html for modrewrite (when only setting modrewrite index. html rule - read below). manualIndexindex. phpactionmanual The same principle as for obligatory setting above displays backlink to manual page. You may set manual. html for modrewrite. descriptionHow to make up a forum Get miniBB - free and paid discussion custom forum software, bulletin board system script, written in php amp mysql. Download now - mandatory option specifying default description tag for the forums start page and other internal pages. Description in topics list is generated basing upon the forum description, and messages list description is based upon the first characters of the first message. //enableGroupMsgDeleteTRUE Available from 2.0 RC5, enables or disables group messages deleting by admin or moderator - he is able to delete many messages at once, checkmarking them and clicking on necessary link. Specially useful on anonymous boards, when you are forced to fight the spam or flood. For enabling this option, just uncomment the variable and set it any value. //36posttextminlength10 Available from 2.0 RC5, this not obligatory option sets minimum amount of symbols needed for posting a message, preventing unmeaningful posts. Default is 10 symbols. Uncomment and set to 0 if you want to disable this. //loginsCaseTRUE Available from 2.0 RC6, not mandatory option. If is not set, or set to FALSE, all logins are CASE SENSITIVE (by default). For example, if you have registered username Paul, you must type Paul in your login field. Not PAUL, and not paul - this will not work. If this option is enabled and set to TRUE, you can type anything - paul, PAUL, Paul etc. - anything will be compared in lowercase. Notice: nobody is able to register PAUL or paul usernames, if there is already one Paul in database - this doesnt depend on setting this option. This option also DOES NOT affect passwords password must be entered the same manner as via registration. enablePhpMailer array( smtphostmail. server, / Specify SMTP host here /smtpauthFALSE, / If TRUE for SMTP auth, set to TRUE, else to FALSE / smtpusername, / If TRUE for SMTP auth, set SMTP username / smtppass / If yes for SMTP auth, set SMTP password / ) Available from 2.0 RC5, this hidden setting (not included by default) allows to use external PHPmailer class for advanced SMTP sendings. For enabling PHPMailer, copy PHPmailer files to forums root directory (class. phpmailer. php, class. smtp. php) and add PHPMailer SMTP settings described below, to the setupoptions. php file. Using this class may be helpful, if you have no SMTP installed on server, and want to use external SMTP, which you know settings for, and which is allowed to accept connections from your server. No need to use this class, if the scripts are able to send emails through default servers SMTP. allowHyperlinks10 mandatory option if greater than zero, it means hyperlinks will be allowed for members only who made not less than allowHyperlinks postings. If set to zero, hyperlinks will be automated also for guests. By hyperlinks, we mean highlighted URLs in postings: when you post anything beginning from . or or enclosed in url/url BB codes, it is converted to a clickable hyperlink. //addMainTitle1 non-mandatory option which is turned off by default: if it is set, then on topics listing pages and on the thread listing pages, forum generic title is added after certain forums or topics title. For example, if you have My Forums specified in sitename . and you have a forum called Forum One , and the topic Test Topic in this forum, then: if you set this option to 1, lttitlegt tag of topics listing page will be Forum One - My Forums , lttitlegt tag of topics listing page will be Test Topic - My Forums , else it will be just Forum One and Test Topic correspondingly. //emailCharsetUTF-8 non-mandatory option which is turned off by default: if it is set to the certain value (like for example UTF-8), and your forums email templates are stored in specific encoding (like UTF-8), it is recommended to set up this option, so emails are sent in the proper encoding and not garbled on the client side. Thats all, folks We did the advanced miniBB setup. After that, your forums will work according to your needs and preferences. But, you need to do something corresponding to your pages design, didnt you So, lets go to the next level. Templates are used to separate HTML code from PHP. They are located in templates directory and are usual HTML files (or TXT files - if we talk about email templates). If you dont like our templates, you can change them or design yours. It is important to save all variables (they look like usual PHP variable variables: ) like shown. Template parser turns every of this variables in its VALUE, giving necessary results. We dont recommend editing templates with WYSIWYG editors. Try to work with clear code, since all PHP variables included in templates will not work in HTML separately. We hope, that it will be enough for you to use any kind of simple text editor with our templates: they are very clean and tide, hand-made. We tried to make all templates compliant to W3C recommendations. We cant guarantee, that they will work as 100 W3C standart works, but they look the same in different browsers. If you decide to change templates, you need to refer to the miniBB logic in building them. We hope, all templates names are pretty clear to understand, what they mean. Also, leave ALL the variables inside the templates as they shown. Most templates are used in different operations (thats why we call this mini - BB ). F. e. userdataform. html is used both for registering new user and editing user preferences, mainpostform. html is used on all posts, topics and editing pages. It is necessary to pay attention to email templates (begins with email and ends with. txt). They have special format: first line of every template should contain SUBJECTltlt. gtgt line, with some text instead of . . As you understand, between SUBJECTltlt and gtgt there is subject of email. Dont remove this line, else you emails will be garbled In mainheader. html . you will find page title as lttitlegt36titlelt/titlegt. Title is changing dynamically according to the page, f. e. on topic page it becomes topic name, and on topic lists it becomes forum name. This is very smart feature for search indexers (like Google or AllTheWeb for example) to INDEX your forum, since these engines are working mostly with page titles. Also, thats why we recommend to think about right forum names: as more simple they will be, as better. In this case, also dont forget to include (or change) META-tags in header. There is possibility to make a custom template and call it from the script. For example, you need to create separate page before user registration (agreement): you can add any custom template, which is not included in miniBB. Design your template as usual (all script pre-defined variables also work), put it in /templates directory and call from the script like: where tplName is a name for your created template (in this case, customtemplate. html). In that way you can also create stuff like Most loved topics and answers with the direct list of topics, any FAQs, manuals, description pages, agreements etc. etc. as like as the whole site For international (non-english) users, we offer language packs feature. You can get them from our Downloads page. If you have not found a pack for your language, please translate it basing on the English (or other) translation, and send back to us. This way you may help many users from your country, which also choose miniBB. Language packs can be found in forums lang directory. Usually, only eng. php pack is included for default english language on the board. Language pack name is changed in options file. Language pack simply contains PHP variables with their values. Note for editors: use instead of in the sentences, or use slashed apostrophe 92. Technically, it is better to use apostrophes ( ) instead of quotes ( ), because of the engines speed increase. We hope, it is pretty simple to understand, whats going on inside of language pack, if you want to change it. Despite there are more notes (and any language pack should contain these settings): 36Lang:English:36 string is referred to language name, which appears in Language menu. When making another version of pack, write language name in English between 36Lang: and :36 36lmeta tag is META-LANGUAGE value for your html encoding. Usually it looks like ltmeta http-equivcontent-type contenttext/htmlcharsetiso-8859-1gt where you need to change only charset value. Refer to W3C docs for more info on encoding. Note: if you want users to make posts on different language encodings (f. e. english, russian and latvian on the same forum), make lmeta blank (). 36lmonths variable defines array of month names separated by :. Be sure to include EXACTLY 12 values Other variables are in assorting order. While working on miniBB, we have added them in order of appearance. If you will see a string looking like Language variables miniBB vX. X, it means that, variables after this string were added or changed for corresponding version. If we add more features, we will also add variables, and for better finding they will be added in another section. Language packs describe ALL language used in board, incl. admin panel. Wichtig. language packs filename can have only of 3 letters (examples: eng. php, alb. php, rus. php). On a multilingual forum where more than 1 language is installed, and if you are using boards emailing features, you will probably need to create emailing templates for each language separately, naming them with corresponding prefix. For example, if you want English and French interfaces available, and make it possible for registered users to change their preferred language in Preferences, do the following: Download and copy eng. php, fre. php files to /lang/ folder Create emailing templates for the French language, taking English templates from /templates/ folder, which begin with email and end with eng. txt leave English templates as they are, but create French language templates, naming them with fre postfix, i. e. they should begin with email and end with fre. txt copy all these templates to the /templates/ folder For allowing members to receive email notifications on the preferred language, set emailusers2 in setupoptions. php (read more above this option above). Having multilingual forums, be always sure you have installed additional, or other than English languages successfully. Specially test any processes related to the email notifications: new user sign up, notification about new post made, passwords restoration. If your language is installed improperly, it may cause the software working wrong. If you have multilanguage forum, it would be a good idea to create many manuals on each language, naming it manualLNG. html . where LNG is the prefix for your language pack. By default, only manualeng. html is included. If there is no manual for users language, empty page will be displayed. Please note: some variables specified in language pack, are both used in PHP scripts and JavaScript interface notices. Thats why in some places it is not suitable to use apostrophes in your custom translation . This specially affects 3rd party language packs not checked by miniBB team, or for example, the variable called laccessDenied . which could be edited upon special rules on forums, and some other variables from the premium add-ons, which are mentioned in plugins instructions. If you are experiencing troubles posting a messages or getting a JavaScript error on page, it could be the reason of the wrong interpretation of apostrophes. Check the JavaScript Error Console of your browser for errors. CSS (cascading style sheet named bbdefaultstyle. css) is designed to fit all font colors, table borders and sizes on the page in one file. It is included only once in mainheader. html . It is W3C compliant. You can edit it as you wish, to fit your forums design to your pages design. In our download section, you will find some free examples of another styles/skins. Even if you dont know CSS, it is very easy to change mostly a couple of colors in HEX, fonts and sizes in pixels/points. Some example CSS skins downloadable from our site can also contain icon packages and image backgrounds and its easy to add your own background to any CSS skin. You can find skin parameter description in CSS file itself - all main parts of it have small notes explaining the meaning of subsequent font/color/border and other parameters. Administrative options You can go to the admin panel manually typing in your browser admin panels filename which you have entered in options file. But usually, you only need to login as admin into forums, and youll see admin panel link at the bottom of each page. Admin panel is very small and very simple. Here is the list of options: Add forum. We have talked about it earlier. With this operation, you can add forum name, description, icon. Forum icons are displayed near forums table. They are placed in directory /img/forumicons. Icon should be. GIF or. JPG with the size of 16x16 pixels. Here you just need to type a filename of image WITHOUT directory name. If no image specified, default. gif is loaded. You may use straight HTML in forums name or description, putting, for example, direct HTML links there. Edit forum. Click on it, choose forum to edit from drop-down list. Editing form appears. You can change forum name, description, and order there. For editing, press Edit form button. Below you can see fast preview of how forums will look like. Re-ordering forums is simple: you just need to click on uarr or darr symbols to move forum up or down (this is avalable only beginning from version 2.0 RC3). From this menu you can also DELETE forum. Note that deleting forum will immediately deletes ALL posts and topics corresponding to it. We dont recommend to do that, cause there is no way back. If you still need to delete forum, just click on the checkbox saying Delete forum and press Edit. Forum will be deleted and there will be NO ASKING TWICE, so be careful with this thing. Deleting forums brings us headache, so, if you will never delete forums, open your admin panel file for editing, find the following line: and add after it the following line: You should have: etc. This will avoid forum deleting in any case - even if intruders will know out about your password (we hope this never happens). Forums supertitles (categories). Since miniBB is designed for small/medium communities, we have not planned to make splitting forums list by additional category. If you have 4-5 forums, there is no need to create categories, because in this case, your forums will look badly organised. However, there is a possibility to emulate categories for forums, this feature is invented since version 2.0 RC3 and called supertitles. Supertitles appear BEFORE main forum title, emulating category, and you probably may add supertitles AFTER you created a list of forums and arranged them in desired order. Go to forums preview when editing any forum, click on forums title when you want to put supertitle, and add it in corresponding field. Notice that moving the main forum title affects also supertitle, so putting one forum from one category to another means actually that you need to remove supertitle from this forum and add it to another forums title. You may use straight HTML in supertitles. Remove user. This immediately deletes selected user. You need to write in users ID . How to know about that ID Go to the forums, search for user you want to delete, find user message and mouse over your cursor on members title below the username. The link will be something like . actionuserinfoampuser243. The last digit (f. e. 243) will be user ID. Checking box, you can also remove all user MESSAGES and TOPICS (with other users messages). And all user email notifications, too. We do not recommend to do this. If you wont check this box, only info about registered user will be removed, and all his topics and posts left will be signed as if he is unregistered user (and from now on he will be, actually). See below miniBB users hierarchy. Note: on large forums, it takes some time to remove user with topics and posts. Sei geduldig. Programming notes: removing user operation can cause some bad forums security issues(if someone knows your password, of course). For disabling delete, find this line in your admin PHP file: and add after it the following line: You should have: Ban user IP. We have, basically, the simplest and the strongest bans. They are based on user IP (usual proxies also checked), and prohibit user even to enter forums. For banning user IP, just enter his correct IP (contained maximum 15 symbols, including dots). You can also ban so called IP mask, entire network. Example: if IP to ban is, you can ban all IPs within local network (enter 191.88.32. . or more stronger - 191.88. How to know about user IP Log into forums as admin, and open any thread. In every user message, you will see his IP. Extended feature: clicking on this IP, you can see a list of usernames, under which posts were made. It is nice option for viewing all anonymous user nicknames. This options is also available for moderators. Banning IP, you can also set comment why it was banned, so you can be oriented in ban list in the future easily. For unsetting ban on IP, just do Unset/unban selected IPs in the admin panel. When you click on this link, a list of all bans is offered. Just check necessary bans and press the button. Ban user by ID. You can also ban registered users by their ID. This is really useful if, for example, you have forums only for registered members, and someone begins to flood the board. This operation can be done in the same form where you can ban user ID (see above), you need only to enter correct user ID, not IP. You can view users ID clicking on his Member title (ID goes straight after user in URL string). You cant ban user with 0 (zero) ID. Search users. Admin is allowed to search users by ID, username (login) or email, also inactive users (havent posted anything since registration) and havent made new posts since defined date. Each record found displays users login with link to userinfo on the board, registration date, email (even if hidden) and last replys post date. In some cases, also found records count is displayed. Search users results are splitted by pages, if results count is really big. Searching on ID, you need to enter decimal. Searching on email or login, you need to enter some string. If you do not enter something on ID or login, ALL users list will be displayed. When searching inactive users, you do not need to enter something. Receiving inactive users list, you can delete many of them by one-time, checking boxes and clicking Delete button. When you search users that havent posted anything since date, you need to define this date in YYYY-MM-DD format, which means: 4-digits-year-2-digits-month-2-digits-day. Script is looking for people, whos last reply date is EARLIER than entered date (not including). That means, if you enter 2002-03-07, for example, you will look for people, whos last reply was earlier than on 7th March, 2002. People with last reply on 7th March will not be shown, also as inactive users, too. Clicking on Delete, you can pop-up window with Remove user option, where users ID will be automatically written in form. Remove user operation is described above. Delete email notifications. If user emailing option in your setup is set to 1, it may happen, that some users emails are already dead. In this case, you, as the administrator, should receive mailer-daemon feedback messages saying Could not deliver message or something. In that case you can simply delete dead emails. To do that, type in an email to delete or simply press button for clearing up the whole table. Export emails. This operation is necessary, if you want to make a mass-mail for your users. PLEASE, DONT SPAM YOUR FORUM USERS You need the email list only for important news, f. e. sites moving to new address, forums reconstruction etc. You can extract only emails or emailusername, use tab separator or comma between these values, and output emails to the screen or separate file attachment. If youve chosen last one you will get a download window after pressing submit button. Restore Admin data in database. This option updates users table and sets new admin password, username and email if you have changed any of these in the options file. Yes, you can change your admin name anytime you want, more so - we recommend to do it regularly. Hidden admin forums options Only site owner can define private forums and users which are allowed to post and view them. Edit bbspecials. php file, find variable 36clForumsarray() and add 36clForumsUsersarray() . clForums array defines closed forums ID(s), and clForumsUsers elements defines users which are allowed to post in this forum. Here is an example: That means: forums with IDs 1,3,6 are private. Users with IDs 2 and 5 are allowed to post and view forum under ID 1, users with IDs 10 and 11 are allowed to post and view forum under ID 3, users with IDs 12 and 22 are allowed to post and view forum under ID 6. If you are able to think logically, it must not be difficult for you to set these arrays, and it be more simplier for you to edit this file once, else for us to write giant interface, which would be out of concepts of miniBB. If you dont want to have private forums, leave these arrays blank (but dont remove them). Note 1: when setting clForums array without clForumsUsers array, you wont get any results, and these forums will be available to anyone . until you define user IDs, which have access to a private forum. Specify empty 36clForumsUsers array for some forum, even if it has no users allowed. Another words, these settings are working only together . not separately. Note 2: it is not necessary define admin ID (1), because admin can enter any private forum and has full access to it. Note 3: topic titles from private forums dont appear on statistics, last discussions, user info and search pages, and first forums page, too. Anyway, if allowed user or admin is logged, they will appear everywhere automatically. Site owner can create so called archive forums. In read-only forums, nobody except admin or defined moderator can make or edit posts. Edit bbspecials. php with array variable 36roForums in it. Like in private forums (see above), add read-only comma-separated forums IDs into this array. Site owner can create so called post-only forums. That means, users can do anything except for creating new topics in these forums. It is very useful, if you combine your forums with guestbook or administrative news flash, for example. Edit bbspecials. php with array variable 36poForums in it. Like in private forums (see above), add read-only comma-separated forums IDs into this array. In post-only forums, nobody except admin can make or edit topics. That means, forum with ID 1 is post-only. If you have post-only forum as guestbook, for example, or just want to redirect user to some thread exactly when he is clicking on forums title to view topics, you can define it in bbspecials. php as redthread array. Example from our forums: means when user visits some forum with ID 8, he will redirected to the topic with ID 355, so the full URL will be like actionvthreadampforum8amptopic355 . This is optional feature, it is not necessary to include this array if you dont need it. By default, miniBB doesnt use ranking system (user ranks like Administrator, Member are displayed only, and if it is anonymous user, nothing is displayed). We have special solution addon for displaying user ranks basing on their posts amount, but it is possible to define special user rankings, for special members (for example, most-active-poster-of-all-time). Open bbspecials. php for that, find 36userRanks array, and edit it. That means, users rank with ID 1 is Boss (of course. ), and users with IDs 17 and 9 are Team members. These rankings will be displayed under nickname in every post. In this way, you also can define so called special avatars, when image is displayed instead of rank. Just provide full image URL as the ranks description. These forums mean, that only registered (and logged correspondly) users can make new topics, new posts and edit their messages here. Use this setting only if you want to separate some forums for all and registered only members at the same time. Use general setting variable 36allForumsReg (see above), if you want to make registered-users-only forums for everybody. Variable 36regUsrForumsarray() in bbspecials. php means array of forums IDs which are protected. That means, forums with ID 1,2 are only for registered users. In a case of registered-user-only forums, the post-topic or post-thread box with login information WILL APPEAR even if user is not logged in. User will be able to enter his login/pass to make a post. Anonymous or incorrectly logged users will be informed with Access denied message. In many cases, they can loose the information they typed, so please warn users of your board someway, that they must register before making any post In the latest releases, we have defined language packs variables for it, they are called lanonAllowed, and lanonDisallowed, and contain the text appearing near each message form, if user is not logged in. Moderators are people who can help admin in managing forums (read more in moderators section. Variable 36modsarray() in bbspecials. php defines the the array of forum/user IDs which have moderators possibilities. means that user with ID 9 is the moderator for forums with IDs 1 and 2, and user 996 is moderator for forum 1. Moderators have access only to specified forum. Displaying list of moderators is available on the first forums page. In default version, it is hidden. If you want to display this list, in HTML template mainforumscell. html add variable (for example, directly after ). It will display usernames of moderators for current forum. If there is no moderator specified, nothing will be displayed. If you want to exclude some forum from Recent discussions list, you can set it in the bbspecials array lastOut. For example: lastOutarray(6) excludes forum with ID 6 from Last discussions list on the first page. Its not necessary to add this new value if you dont need this. You can specify the ID of the thread (topic), which messages can be sorted in DESCending order. By default, every thread is sorted in ASCending order. Specially useful for questbooks. For this, set new array in your bbspecials. php file: where THREADIDs can be array of IDs of topics. For example: will set DESC order for topics with ID 355 and 11. Note that this option will not affect page listing in last discussions and topics list. When some topic is splitted by pages, last replies will be available when you click on topics title. If you have such kind of sorted thread (like guestbook), it is better to exclude it from last discussions and set the exact redirect from forums title (see Post-only forums and redthread). When you set this kind of topic, near its title, users will see an icon from /img/topicreverse. gif. Only admin is allowed to delete user messages. Admin needs to be logged into the system. For deleting any message, go to the topic/thread list and click on Delete on the top of the message. JavaScript alert should appear click Ok, and the post will be deleted. After delete, message is not available for recovering. We are not keeping Recycle Bins. NOTE: you can not delete FIRST message of the topic. Thats because the first message in thread list is TOPIC TEXT in reality. If you want to delete first message, it means you want to delete the WHOLE TOPIC. For this, see Deleting topics. Admin or moderators are allowed to delete all available user topics (moderator - for each specified forum) also if userDeleteMsgs setting is defined, this is possible for regular members, too (for their own topics/replies). Login, go to the bottom of topic page. You will find the link Delete topic. Click on it. JavaScript alert should appear click Ok, and topic will be deleted, with all associated posts, too. Click on Cancel, and youll keep the old things. After delete, topic is not available for recovering. No Trash Cans. Cleaning up the board solution. When your board runs for a big time, youll probably want to remove some old necessary topics. miniBB has a smart solution build-in, how to do it easy (beginning from version 2.0 RC2). Login as admin and in your Preferences, set default sorting to New topics, then go to some forum, which you want to clean-up, and go to the last page of topics within this forum. Another words, begin the cleaning from the oldest topics to the newest topics. Go inside some topic, review it, and if you find it unnecessary, delete it as described above. After that, you will be redirected to the page where topic was previously found near next topic that you need to check, you will find a little mark raquo. This will help you to not lose the last topic you stayed on. Board administrator can edit any message from the forum at any time, plus, if it is new topic text, he can edit also topic title. Moderator can edit any message within allowed forum at any time, and also change topics title. For editing the message, click on Edit link on the top of each message in posts list (it appears when allowed person is logged in). When editing message, admin or moderator can choose, either this message could be edited by user after, or not. Beginning from version 2.0 RC2, by default, all messages become opened for further editing however, checking the box marked as Edit , admin or moderator can disable this. If you want to override strike through Edit text near checkbox, when editing a message as admin or moderator, just add leditLockMark as edited and lock post in your language pack (if leditLock variable is set, it will overwrite default setting). Message author can edit topics title only, if administrator has set necessary option (see above ). When admin or moderator edits his own message, Edited by string will show his name instead of simple Admin or Moderator title when editing/disabling anothers message at the same time, if admin or moderator do not check Edit box when editing anothers message, status of this message will be kept as it was (or like it was not edited by admin at all). Only administrator can move topics from one forum to another. Moving topics is a specific operation, we dont recommend to do it often (since many users will not understand whats going on). Do it only if topics thematics is not the same as the one of a forum. After decision, login as admin, go to the bottom of the topic page, click on Move topic and move topic correspondly to the forum you want. You can move topic only to the another forum, else there is no sense for this action (dont move topic to the same forum). When moving topics, only forum info is updated, nor datetime or anything. If topic is moved from one closed forum to another, and subscribers are NOT in this forum, their subscriptions will be DELETED. This is very smart censorship operation, which prohibits users from making new posts in special topics. For locking topic, log in as admin, go to the bottom of each page. You will find kinda lock topic link. When you press it, topic will be locked. On an old place instead of lock topic you should see unlock topic link. Click on it, and topic will be unlocked. Both topics author (if he is a registered user) and admin can lock/unlock topics. Even if admin has locked this topic, registered author can unlock it - if the corresponding value not set in your options (see userUnlock option above). Beginning from version 2.0 RC3, it is also could be prohibited, that topics author can not lock his topic at all (see userUnlock option above). At the same time, when topic is locked, nobody from participants of topic is not able to edit his message anymore. Sticky topic means the topic, which will be shown on the top of the topics list every time . This is useful for some announcements or really hot discussions, which you want to present first. Sticky topics appear ONLY in topics list. Last discussions page stays untouched Last discussions is actually fresh meat, there is no necessarity to show sticky posts every day, in the time when new stuff is going. Sticky topics are available for setting both for admin and moderators. For stickying topic, go to the bottom of the thread and find the Make sticky link. Just click on it. When the topic is already sticky, you will find the Make unsticky link. Sticky topics also can be locked. If you lock sticky topic, and then unlock it again, the sticky status will be kept, and vice versa. Entering topic, logged admin can view which users are subscribed to this topic (Subscriptions link). Entering view panel, admin can also delete unwanted subscriptions, checking boxes near users email. Note: if there are no subscriptions, link will not appear. Actually, admins preferences doesnt change anything special. As usual user, Admin can go to that panel and edit something, but all forums-working datas (Admin email, login and password) are taken from options file. In the admin panel, you will find operation called Restore Admin data in database, clicking on it, you will automatically copy (or insert) your options data to corresponding Admin field in database. Then you can choose another email and other stuff (ICQ, for example) that will be shown on the about user page. So, your email shown in the above mentioned user info page can be independent on the email in the setup options file. If you are using Direct email plugin, you can set another email for emailing admin, so you can have 2 different emails for system messages and direct user emailing. In miniBB concepts, moderators are people who can: Lock, unlock, delete and move any topic - the same way as admin Edit any message (with topics title) - the same way as admin Post a new topic in post-only forum View poster IP (and view all users that have posted under this IP). Moderators have no admins privileges and have no access to the administration panel. Moderators privileges are splitted by forums. Each moderator can be defined only by administrator in bbspecials. php file (see above). Each moderator has special description near his nickname (defined in 36lmoderator variable in language). If moderator has special rank, his rank will be displayed instead of it. Forums-wide user options There is liberal users hierarchy in miniBB. Topics can be made both by anonymous users and registered users. Schauen wir mal was passiert. Anonymous users. If you are lazy, or do not register for some reasons, you can make anonymous post, even under your usual nick, if its not taken by another already. Simply type your username in Login field without password, and make a post under this name. If you leave both fields blank, your name automatically will be Anonymous (it depends on forums language setup even). However, if you will enter the nick which corresponds to any registered user you wont be able to post. This feature is only available, if forums administrator has not set the forums for registered users. Notice that Administrator may disable some anonymous nicknames for using - in that case, your nickname will be posted as default Anonymous. Registered users. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND all users to register - in any way, will you visit this forum often or not. Why First, no one else will take your unique username/nick, and anonymous users will not be able to post messages under your nick. Second, if you will post some messages under your nick, and register it later, it is NOT POSSIBLE to edit these anonymous messages anymore. And finally, any registered user can take your anonymous or not registered nick simply by filling registration form. User info is displayed on the separate page. On the threads page, youll find only users nick and, if this user is registered, a member beneath. Clicking on it, youll get all possible info about user, which either is specified/allowed or not (see below). NOTE: by clicking on users nickname, you quote his nickname in the reply form Users must have cookies enabled in the browser. Cookie passwords are saved in encrypted format. User login form is located on every topics or threads page, as well as on the first page. On the topic or thread pages, you are able just to log-in without posting any text. You need to type your login and password correctly. Depending on forums setup, user login can expire in different time. Usually it expires within 1-2 hours, but administator can also make more longer expire (especially on international forums). Cookies renew mechanism also allows users to stay logged during longer periods of time - until the browser is closed. Anyway, we recommend to do logout before you are leaving forums. Anonymous users also receive cookie that goes from one page to another. Enjoy comfort Registered users can change their boards interface language in their profile, choosing from dropdown list. However, administrator of multilanguage board also can set some links for anonymous users, so they will be able to view the board on desired language. For this, you need to put the link containing variable setlang and the value corresponding to the language file name. Example: . index. phpsetlangrus will display board in Russian however this setting will not affect logged-in user. For registering, just click on Registration menu and fill in the form. Necessary fields are: LOGIN: your username, must be unique - if a user with the identical login already exists, you wont be able to register. Login must contain only symbol combination defined by admin. Usually, we recommend to use only A-Z letters, digits and maybe sign. But, if admin defines more symbols, you can also use them. There is only one possibility to view defined symbols - to make a mistype in username. Then you will see them in error message. Anyway, dont choose exotic usernames - at least, it is stupid. You can use a name with length from 3 to 40 symbols. PASSWORD: your password for BB. Must contain only A-Z letters, digits and sign (no spaces). You can use password with length from 5 to 32 symbols. Why exactly 32 We dont know ) If seriously, try to use not more than 10 symbols. PASSWORD ONCE AGAIN: this must be the same symbol combination, as the PASSWORD. This is just for checking - have you entered password correctly, or not. Pay attention: all passwords are saved in encoded way. There is no possibility to view user password even by admin Despite you can anyway receive new password via email, but it will be different from your orignal one (randomly generated). EMAIL: your email. Must be also unique (no 2 users with the same email are possible). Email is checked by simple regular expression for avoiding stupid emails. If you cant register some email, please report to admin, or at least, miniBB team. Even we have checked this combination in many cases, there are some exotic emails that can not be validated with our function. But this is a rare thing. Depending on what option current forum has, you can be registered just after filling the form, and can login to forums straight forward after it. Otherwise, if administrator has set avoiding of open registration, youll need to check for the password your email first. When open registrations are forbidden, your password will be generated by the system, thats why you need to enter the correct email-address. Beginning from the version 2.0 RC4, it is allowed for admin to disallow user registrations (set enableNewRegistrationsFALSE in setupoptions. php), but at the same time, to register them, logging as admin and visiting the link under actionregisternew . For example, paste in your templates/adminpanel. html : this link will drive you in registration form. Enter necessary user data, click Submit button - you will see regular registration message, and your new user will be created with the data you provided. An implementation for those who want to open forums only for REALLY trusted users New topic form is placed at the bottom of each topics listing page. You need to type topics title (New topic) and body (Message). At least, New topic field must be filled in. If you write in it and dont write in Message, message will be automatically equal to topics title. New post form is located at the bottom of each threads page. Note: if the anti-spam protection is enabled (usually it is), you can make posts and topics only once-per-defined-time. Usually, this time is 1-2 minutes - and it means, you can make posts not often than 1 per 1-2 minutes as well. Note 2: before making a post, make sure you have corresponding ENCODING for this. F. e. if you have to make post on non-english language, lets say, chinese, be sure your browser encoding is set to it. To do it: In Internet Explorer, click the right mouse button on the screen, choose Encoding, and then set it In Netscape Navigator/Opera, choose menus View - gt Character Set (Encoding) and then set it. Note 3: text breaks (newlinescarriage returns) are automatically converted to physical breaks. Note 4: dont use a lot of apostrophes, quotes and specific tags in your messages. Actually, they are converted to real HTML-tags like amp039 (apostrophe), ampamp (amp sign) etc. As you see, HTML special char takes at least 4 times more space than usual symbol. So, if topics title limitation is set, lets say, to 70 symbols by administrator, your sentence can contain maximum 17 special symbols. Practical example: your topic is Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dogs ears amp nose (49 symbols). Actual title is converted to: Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dogamp039s ears ampamp nose (58 symbols). If the limitation would be 50 symbols, the sentence would be cutted to Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog039s ears (minus nose minus 5 special-symbols). Email notifications can be enabled or disabled by forums admin. Usually, on large forums they are disabled. If enabled, every user who makes a post, can subscribe to them. Alternatively, there us also a way to make notifications available without posting some text. Notifications are sent to users email when someone replies to the topic after this user. Users can subscribe to notifications even if they are not topic authors. Users can also unsubscribe from notifications. For that, got to the desired topic and find Unsubscribe link instead of notifications checkbox, and just click on it. According to the setup, user may receive notifications on custom language (in multilanguage forums). Admin receives notifications on default boards language. If you are using links like minibb (beginning with , , ftp://, www or mailto:), they are automatically converted to real links. But, when checking Disable box, links ARE NOT automatically highlighted, both as BB-codes (see below). miniBB doesnt support straight HTML code, it is displayed like you type it. However the message text can contain so called BB-codes - special codes which are transformed to the allowed HTML code upon submission. Currently, miniBB supports the following codes: urlSOMEURLHYPERLINK TEXT/url, urlSOMEURL/url Available to everybody. The codes could be properly nested, for example you can put a Bold tag for URL however you should follow the order of the code. If the Bold code opens first, it should be closed last. The codes could be typed in UPPERCASE or lowercase but there should be no spaces in tags themselves (for example b text /b will not work, b text /b will). Above the message form, when you compose new topic, new reply or edit the message, there are buttons which help to apply the styling to your message in BB codes format quickly. Highlight the text you have wrote in the form, then click the button to apply the attribute. In some cases, like for URL or IMG tag, you will be asked to enter additional attributes. In Internet Explorer, scripted windows must be enabled to use this feature. Topic posters can quote other messages. There is no quote BB-code included, as on some bulletin boards. Instead of it, you can use italic style to separate quotes. For better comfort, there is a quote link near every post made. For making a quote, you need to select some text and press this link. Selected text will be automatically inserted into reply box at the bottom of the page. This feature is based on JavaScript code and works only in newest browser versions. Specific or old browsers users may experience some troubles with it. Topic authors can lock their topics, if they think it is correct. In order to do it, topic author needs to be logged in. At the bottom of the topics page he must see small lock topic link. Clicking on it, topic becomes closed. Nobody except topic author or administrator can lock the topic. If topic was locked by admin, topic author can unlock it ONLY if it is defined in forum options (in most cases its not). Registered users (and only registered) can edit THEIR messages, but only if they are cookie-logged and only if the time of the message is not expired. For this, just click on Edit near each post (if it is your message, youll see the link, else not). When editing message, automatic highlights are replaced with real BB-codes, so there is no need to delete them once again. Also, real HTML tags are replaced back to codes. Via editing, user can add new BB-codes, links etc. - like in any new post or topic. User can edit only his POST, not topics title, even if he is the author of the topic. After message is edited by user, info about that is displayed near each post. There is no way to delete your message (and if not allowed, to edit topics title), if you are topics author. Only admin can do this. In some cases, after administrator has edited users message, for user, it is no way to edit it once again. For editing user preferences, you need to log in and go to the preferences appearing in menu. You can type new data for your account, except login, that can not be changed. If you dont want to change your password leave the password field and go next to the fields you want to edit, you dont need to write your password once more, cause are already logged. Then done just press submission button below. This action works exactly like registration: you need to type grammatically correct data. Thus, you can not change your email to the one of someone who already registered (incl. admins email ) ). Updating preferences, you dont need to enter password, if you dont want to change it. Just leave these fields blank. Show email public . that option allows (or not) other users to view your email in user info. It does not affect emailing notifications etc. Sort topics by . that option switches sorting filter. On topics and last discussions pages, you can view topic names sorted by new topics or new posts. This is one of the points of why to register: logging into the forums, you can quickly view, whats new. This option is saved on all pages, since anonymous users will need to click on sort every time. Login, go to the preferences, type new password 2 times in password fields. Your password will be updated to the new one. Note: after changing password your old password will not be valid, and you will need to re-login on the login page. If you will edit more settings, youll get the message not allowed or something similar. miniBB passwords are encrypted using MD5 algorithm. You can decode MD5-hash only with special hacker tools, using forces or dictionaries it is impossible to decode it in easy way. As longer password you have, as it more difficult to encode it. If you have forgotten your password, PHP-script cant restore it anymore, but instead, it generates new random password. Follow these steps to receive new password: Click on password links near login form Enter an email youve mentioned in the registration form If your email is correct (we hope, yes :) you will receive further instructions via email Follow link described in email and confirm your password Your password will be changed only after confirmation . You will be able to change it to something human in preferences. You can quickly search forums for keywords. Search panel is placed under the Search link in menu. You can search text in topics and posts, in topics only, in poster names, in specified forums, by all words, any words or the whole phrase. Newest messages are shown first. Search phrase length cant be more than 100 chars. Minimum length of any word is 3 symbols. As more search parameters you specify, as more longer by time and specific by content will be search results. Search within specified forums is also available. You can either search in all forums or choose a forum you want to search in. Search algorithm tries to perform a search on a comprehend words. By fragment . we mean here fragment of the whole word from the beginning. For example if you search for a word fox, it will be found in the sentense The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog., also as the word jump will be found. But the word foxy will not be found, also as row wont be found. Searching by whole phrase, script will find fox jumps over, but wont find fox dog - use Words or fragments criteria for finding many words in the text at the same time. Under Statistics menu, you can get all available information about forums. This is the most not needed part of a forum. In statistics, you will find: Total number of registered users (except admin) Total number of topics Total number of posts Who is administrator Who is last registered user Most popular topics list (top 5, top 10, top 20, top 40), which is generated according to how many answers were posted in topic Most viewed topics list (top 5, top 10, top 20, top 40), which is generated according to how many views each topic has Most active registered users list (top 5, top 10, top 20, top 40). You can define period of days which will be used in calculating stats (this setting affects only most popular topics and most viewed topics, username stats are NOT affected). Setting lstatspopular, lstatsaUsers, lstatsviewed in language pack to empty values (for example, lstatsaUsers ), will remove corresponding panel from Statistics page. Some notes for developers Please, dont study this section if you are unfamiliar with PHP, mySQL and programming at all, more so - dont even try described below. We are not giving additional support on these topics. They all are working like described if something is not working on your side, miniBB is not the reason here. Default version of miniBB is supported only by mySQL database. Anyway, we have developed special SQL-functions module which contains basic SQL-functions, which could be extended by another databases, supported by PHP. We plan to work on it in near future, but every developer who can help us in making another DB module is welcome. Youll get all necessary credits. Making a DB module is average simple. Since SQL functions are mostly the same (at least, by logic), in many cases you just need to make another database connection which is supported by PHP, and design database request if necessary. SQL requests mostly are parsed into array pointers, which can be accessed, f. e. via mysqlfetchrow() function. Probably, most databases can support this operation. In other words: just look, how mySQL parser works, and include other commands. Note: dont change names of variables, like 36result or 36sus, because some are called from the outside script. Below are described miniBB general/universal functions available in setup my sql. php and prepared for programmers who want to extend plugins via this SQL-module separately. Returns SQL-string like limit 10,20 prepared for inserting in SQL-request. If page0, returns only single like limit 10 string. numRows is the amount of total database request rows received via request. vieMax is the maximum amount of rows should be displayed (set in setupoptions. php). Returns SQL-string like where id1 or id2 or id3 prepared for inserting additionally in SQL-request. closedForums must be a simple array of values which request will be compared to. more could be where or simply . prefix inserts a point . after table name. field is field name which values are compared to. syntax is alternatively and or or. condition is or . Example: if closedForumsarray(6,7) Returns resource identifier on successfull SQL-request or FALSE on failure. sus determines either we need to make a first request (if 0) or just go through request rows (1). table is table name, fields are request fields separated by comma. uniF, uniC, uniV describes correspondly unique values which is used in additional request like where id1, if set. orderby specifies field name which is used in ordering result, and limit adds limit statement (could be set via makeLim() function). uniF2, uniC2, uniV2 are another set of additional unique fields. Example: returns resource ID for the following request: Returns SQL error-number after executing the request like insert into users (id, name) values (1, Paul) . insertArray must be prepared simple array of variable names which MUST correspond to their values. In the given example, it should be array(id, name), and in that case, in the script itself, there must be variable id and name, and their values correspondly must be 1 and Paul. tabh is table name where values must be inserted (users in the given example). Returns affected rows amount after executing an update request. In many cases similar to insertArray(). updateArray must be the same type array, and tabh is table name. uniq is unique fields name, and uniqVal is its value. Example: if we have updateArrayarray(id, name), and variable names, tabh are the same as in the insertArray() example, and uniquserid and uniqVal2, SQL-command will be the following: Executes DELETE request in SQL-query, return amount of affected rows. Field names mean the same as in dbsimpleSelect. Function to get amount of values from table tbName by criteria tbKeytbVal then update another necessary tables setName field setField by this amount. Call this function after deleting reply, topic, user, or moving topic, or inserting new reply. Another functions in SQL-module are specific. They either dont fit to described universal functions or are too complex for designing something special for them. You can make your own specific functions, identificating them with prefix db at the beginning. If you are the creator of your own PHP site, you probably have the same header and footer for the whole site, or just want to use another functions that fit into your project and miniBB together. As usual, they are. php files, and are included in, for example, index. php. Since miniBB owns the same index. php in its structure by default, you can change the name of miniBBs index to something else, setting indexphp option in setupoptions. php. Including forums from your own script requires a knowledge of PHP and things what are happening inside of miniBB. If you simply include your board using include() you will get errors like Headers already sent or similar. This could happen when user loggs in to the forums, and cookies are set (they can not be set in that case, because some of your HTML stuff goes before include() ). In this case, miniBB is a stick on two ends. The most efficient solution is to include your board this way: where echo header stands for the output of your common header, and echo footer stands for the output of your common footer. Most probably you will have completely another paths and filenames we hope you are able to turn your thinking on for changing them. You may also change pathToFiles setting in setupoptions. php, which will make your life easier with including files from different paths. If you have Apache server with modrewrite module turned on, you probably already know what benefits it could give to you. We will not give advices here, how you could enable this feature in Apache youll find tons of documentation in Internet. How could you use modrewrite with miniBB Actually, it could be used only for one purpose - so your miniBBs URLs look not like ./index. phpactionvtopicampforum4 for example, or ./index. phpactionvthreadampforum1amptopic75 . but: 40.html or 1750.html . These links will be more likely interpreted with search crawlers like Google. for example, and probably youll get your forums pages indexed more faster and more higher, than usual. php pages. miniBB will build some of internal links of this type automatically (for example, when building splitting pages), and for this, you need to enable (uncomment and set to TRUE ) modrewrite option in setupoptions. php. Notice that only links to threads and forums listings will be replaced. There is no special need in changing links to Registration, Statistics, User profiles and other pages. Search indexers need just your content. Beginning from version 2.0 RC2, links inside templates are changed automatically depending on your modrewrite setting. As you might imagine, links are build under the following scheme: List of topics: FORUMIDPAGE. html List of threads: FORUMIDTOPICIDPAGE. html Hope you see the logics in it Now, when your miniBB is prepared, and you are sure that modrewrite module is working correctly on your site, you need to create. htaccess file and place it in forums directory. It should look like this: where index. php is your forums file. Be sure you have no. HTML files under the same scheme in the forums directory Else they will not be displayed. htaccess example above is similar to what we are using on minibb/forums. If you dont want index. php would be interpreted as index. html, remove the second line in the mentioned code. Your forums manual could be also interpreted as content page if you want to avoid it, remove the third line in the code. Beginning from version 2.0 RC5, pay attention at mdrw variable, it must be set ONLY in. htaccess configuration, telling the script to put NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW tags in the HTML header. So crawlers will index your modrewrite-like pages, 10.html . for example, but not index. phpactionvforumampforum1 . These 2 different addresses point to the same page, and it could be interpreted as duplicated content. So, putting mdrw variable, we force search crawler to not index your. php page, if its URL already publically available as. html. If you use modrewrite, providing links to your forum pages from another sources, try to avoid. php addresses for content pages. In PHP scripts, no tabs were used by us. All functions and operations are separated by newlines only. Most of the comments were removed in final miniBB release, however, there are some very necessary comments left, that will help you understand whats going on. Also, in many string variables cases we have used apostrophes () instead of quotes (), because that increases the speed of the scripts dramatically. If you want to have always up-to-date miniBB version, check for updates constantly. Our RSS feed contains any news related to miniBB new versions. When the new version is coming out, it is recommended for all users to upgrade immediately, because having the newest version you get a bigger chance to keep your forums safe, and all our plugins are tested only with the latest release. As soon you upgrade - as easy will be your next upgrade. For upgrading miniBB, you will need to do the following: BACK UP YOUR CURRENT FILES AND DATABASE - else you may lose your work with no way back almost always overwrite core script files in some cases update customized files, settings, laguage pack and/or templates in rare cases update database structure. By core script files, we mean here basic. php scripts, which in most cases are not necessary to edit. You probably could change these files only if you have heavily customized your version. In this case, you are losing possibility to upgrade easily. All core scripts in the package by default have prefix bb, also as index. php, setupmysql. php are also core scripts. Exceptions are: bbcodes. php - this file could be modified to have your own BB codes bbcookie. php - could be modified to have your own authorization routine bbdefaultstyle. css - could and should be modified to have your own unique colors/fonts layout bbplugins. php - could be modified to have various extensions (addons and plugins) bbspecials. php - could be modified to have additional special options of forums One file you modify in any case, is called setupoptions. php. This is a settings file, and upgrading miniBB, you should never to overwrite this file, keeping your settings. Additionally, you may add new settings at the end of file, if needed. We are always adding new options at the end of this file in new version. Customizing your board, you probably always will change the template called mainheader. html. It is kept in /templates/ directory amongst other HTML templates. Upgrading miniBB, keep in mind all templates you have upgraded. If some changed template is mentioned in upgrade history, you can either overwrite it, either edit it, changing updated code or variables, and keeping your previous work. Language pack (eng. php or whatever is placed in /lang/ directory) is also subject to update in many cases. Since we ourselves are supporting only English version of the board, other language packs, created by 3rd party, most commonly need to be updated, if English pack is changed. If you have other language than English, or have made some changes even to your default English version, you shouldnt overwrite new original language pack, bud edit your own. miniBB 2.x series releases contain very detailed upgrading history. It is kept in a file called UPDATE. txt , which you can download in our Downloads section in Update History package. This file contains a list of all changes, which have been done from version to version. History begins from the release 2.0 RC1, the first release of 2.x series - if youre uprading from older 1.x series, start checking from this section. Before upgrade, you must get the clue how youll upgrade (hopefully, you got it from the description above), and to know your current version of miniBB. It is hidden from public for security reasons however, it is always kept in a file bbfunctions. php. Edit this file and notice your version at the very top. In most common cases, you should close your forums before upgrade, so users dont affect database with new postings or registrations. Rename your default forums index file, commonly index. php, to indexu. php, and then set the option indexphp in setupoptions. php as indexu. php. You can set another filename, of course, any filename. Create a NEW index. php file and put there simple text like We are upgrading. Please, come again in few minutes . then upload it to server. In that case, users visiting your forum, will see the warning message, at the time only you will know the name of temporary index file, and will be able to run it in order to see your results after upgrading. When you are ready to upgrade, download latest miniBB release, and start checking UPDATE. txt file from the version you currently have. For example, if youre having version 2.0 RC1f, find the section Changes comparision: 2.0 RC1f - 2.0 RC1g and follow down below the history file content until the end. So you should pass all comparision versions: 2.0 RC1g - 2.0 RC2, 2.0 RC2 - 2.0 RC2a, 2.0 RC2a - 2.0 RC2b etc. Each section provides you detailed information, on which core files you need to overwrite . which customized files you should modify . and which SQL commands you should execute in order for upgrading your database structure. Take all newest files from the latest release . despite they are mentioned as earlier versions. If you will some way notice or remember, which files you have overwritten already, it is not necessary to upgrade them twice, if they are mentioned in the next history sections. For example, index. php of bbfunctions. php are 2 files which are almost always necessary to upgrade. So you just need to ovewrite these files once, despite they are mentioned in many cases. When adding new option(s), language variables, special arrays, take a look at the default file(s) from the latest package - in most common cases, you need to paste these options the same way in your modified files. History file may also contain some non-critical updates, or just mention miniBB changes, which will not affect your old installation. They are mentioned just for your knowledge, and there is nothing to upgrade. After you have done all upgrade changes, test your board, manually pointing to the indexu. php file you have renamed before. If there are no critical errors shown from the first step, and you are able to login/out, post new topic and reply - the board should work ok. In any way, if some errors will be found after your upgrade, users will notice you. Obligately create new topic titled Forum software upgraded and notice the users about your software changes. Finally, rename your index file back and put its name in setupoptions. php file. Forums are ready to rock again If upgrading process seems difficult to you, we are always ready to help you for a reasonable rate. Check our Paid Support section for more details. Amerikos Federalinis Rezerv bankas ko gero turs 2017 metais daugiau nei tris kartus padidinti savo bazin palkan norm, pareik io banko Rimondo padalinio vadovas Jeffrey Lacker. Skaityti daugiau. Jei irinktojo prezidento Donald Trump retorika usibaigs prekybos karu su Kinija, tai tuomet jo metu Amerika praras daugiau, perspja inomas apvalgininkas ir investuotojas Marc Faber. Skaityti daugiau. Po savaitgalio JAV akcij rinkose nuotaikos yra lengvai optimistikos ir akcij indeks ateities sandori kainos kyla. Skaityti daugiau. iandien paaikjo, jog Vokietijos Ifo indeksas, kuris yra sudaromas apklausus septynis tkstanius kompanij vadov, mnes, palyginus su lapkriiu, pakilo labiau nei laukta. Skaityti daugiau. Vilnius 2016-12-18 60 000 Parduodamas vieojo maitinimo verslas Vilniuje, Baltojo tilto patalpose Parduodamas vieojo maitinimo verslas Vilniuje, Baltojo tilto patalpose (1 auktas). Patalp plotas 320 kv. nuomos sutartis dar galioja. Vilnius 2016-12-18 50 000 Skubiai parduodamas veikiantis baras Vilniaus senamiestyje Skubiai parduodamas veikiantis baras Vilniaus senamiestyje, alia Vilniaus g. Patalp plotas 130 kv. M nuomos sutartis galioja dar 7 m. 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